COVID-19 Update

Dear First Family!

We hope this message finds you and yours happy, healthy, and safe. There is a lot going on in the world and it’s our pleasure to provide peace of mind when it comes to you mental and physical health!

Family First Health Center has been happy to serve our members in person, on line and curbside since this pandemic begin.

Please help us keep you and yours safe. If you have a fever (temperature over 100.2 F), Headache, body aches, diarrhea, or vomiting Please let us know when you are making your appointment. Even if that is not the reason for your visit. (The team will continue to ask these questions as well).

We are taking extra precautions to keep our office thoroughly disinfected.

  • Please call us from your car when you arrive.
  • One of the team will escort you directly into the exam room.
  • If you do not have your own facial covering we will provide you with one.

We are seeing an escalation in the number of our drive up tests that are coming back positive for Sars Co V 2, the virus that causes COVID 19. Currently we offer the PCR nasal swab, that checks for active shedding, as well as a fingerstick antibody test, which only tests for a history of exposure.  We currently do not know if individuals who have antibodies to the virus have any long term immunity from getting the virus again.

Unfortunately, the PCR test is taking an unacceptable amount of time to come back. In the beginning of the pandemic we got results back within 4 days, lately I’ve confirmed with doctors along the east coast that it is taking up to 10 days.

  • We recommend people “Act As If” they have the virus while awaiting results. For rapid results of current infection, the antibody test is not effective.
  • Centra-care does have a rapid antigen test which is a nasal swab that comes back within 20 minutes. It does have a significant false negative rate which gives some a false sense of security.  (people with the virus that test negative)

For those of you who are business owners, it’s our pleasure to extend the peace of mind of personalized health care to your entire team. If you haven’t already introduced our service to them we would love to introduce ourselves. Below is our pre-Covid, uncut, home movie introducing ourselves and welcoming our new members to the family. As a member of your team they qualify for an affordable group rate. More importantly, in this time of uncertainty, being able to talk to a physician who knows you and your family is an amazing benefit.

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